WHO & WHEN: Texas Law requires a couple to obtain their Marriage License at least 72-hours before they are to be married... Exceptions to the 72-hours: Active Military status -OR- a waiver issued by a judge -OR- Completion of the Twogether in Texas program (show the Clerk your completion certificate).
THE LICENSE EXPIRES IN 90 DAYS FROM WHEN YOU BUY IT. (Senate Bill 1317, Sec 2.201 Now allows 90 days before the license will expire, Effective September 1, 2013)
WHERE: A Marriage License can be obtained in ANY County Clerk's office in Texas and can be used in any County in Texas. For example: A couple may purchase their Marriage License in Travis County and be married in Williamson County, or Dallas County, or any county in Texas that they choose!
POLICY: Short and Sweet Weddings Officiants will not marry a couple unless they have a valid Texas Marriage License. A "Declaration of Informal Marriage" certificate does not constitute a Marriage License. If you wish for the Officiant to perform a "symbolic/celebration" ceremony or you are simply "renewing your vows", please be ready to present proof of your marriage via a prior recorded license. This policy is to protect the legality of the marriage relationship as recognized by all national and international entities.
Check with your County Clerk's office to see if they take walk-in appointments.
Contact your County Clerk's office for location, hours, and acceptable payment types. (Click the links below for local County Clerk Offices.)
- HAYS COUNTY- $82.00
- BELL COUNTY - $67.00
You can obtain a Discounted Marriage License (you save $60.00) by completing a PRE-APPROVED 8-hour premarital counseling class. Check here to see when & where the next class is being held: TWOGETHER IN TEXAS.
IDENTIFICATION: Each applicant will need at least ONE FORM of identification to obtain their Marriage License. Acceptable forms of ID are: Current Driver's License -or- Certified Copy of their Birth Certificate -or- Current Passport. ONLY ONE FORM of identification is required to obtain a Marriage License. Acceptable forms of ID are: Current Driver's License -or- Original or Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate -or- Current Passport.
ABSENT APPLICANT / PROXY: As of September, 2013 the State of Texas Legislature approved the banning of the Proxy Wedding, therefore we are unable to offer Proxy Wedding Services.
YOUR MARRIAGE LICENSE: Be sure to proof-read your Marriage License before leaving the County Clerk's office. The spelling of your name on your Marriage License legally affects you! Attention: Your name will not change on this document - you have to get married first. When your Officiant signs the License -and- the County Clerk has recorded your Marriage - THEN you may have your new last name changed on your drivers license, bank account, Social Security Card, etc. But you can start calling yourself by your new name right away. Congratulations!
Call us with any questions on HOW to obtain your Marriage License - we have an in-depth understanding on the procedures in Texas. Our Office Phone Number is 512-704-4678. We look forward to hearing from you.